
第797章 履行承诺

上一章:第796章 需要母亲的原谅 下一章:第798章 审判之剑,天地正气




“好的。” 唐三点头答应。

























剑圣大妖皇沉声道∶ “果然是水晶吗?”

唐三没有直接回答, “水晶大妖皇已经不复存在了。”






























Tang San nodded slightly and said, “I understand. The reason why the Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage does not spread his energy on external objects is because he is always nurturing the sword, nurturing the sword in his heart, or the sword in his divine consciousness, so to speak. He always maintains a high degree of unity of essence and spirit, because the entire power of this unity is used to nurture his own sword intent. Once his sword intent explodes, it will be an existence that will shock heaven and earth and cry out to the gods. How could I underestimate such an emperor? And such an emperor is also very pure, as long as he can impress him, his support will not be diverted by any other things.”

The Great White Tiger Demon Emperor said “It seems that you understand him very well. Then you should go ahead. However, your super bloodline should not be exposed. This must be taken care of, otherwise, there is no guarantee that something will happen.”

“Okay.” Tang San nodded his head in agreement.

The reason he had to meet the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor before leaving was because of the promise he once made. The one vote of support that the Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage had given to the Beautiful Prince was because Tang San had promised him to show him what the true Judgmental Sword Intent was like.

What is promised must be done, and words must be kept in order to have a basis for the next cooperation.

Three days later. Sword Saint Palace.

Tang San and the beautiful grandson arrived at the foot of the Sword Saint Palace wearing hoods.

The two were holding hands, and each other’s breath was covered by Tang San’s Spiritual Rhinoceros Sky Eye. With Tang San’s current deity sitting, even the emperors, unless they were led to make a move, would not be able to detect their true state through their divine sense.

Tang San took out a Sword Saint Order that was handed to him again by the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor last time, and took the beautiful grandson all the way up the Sword Saint Mountain with unhindered passage.

Still a simple palace, still the sharpness of the astonishing sword intent.

Tang San released a wisp of his own breath to inject into the Sword Saint Palace.

Not long after, the door of the Sword Saint Palace slowly opened, and an icy word came from inside, “Come.”

Tang San walked into the Sword Saint Palace together with the beautiful grandson, the Sword Saint Palace seemed very clean, although not as quiet as the White Tiger Palace. But in which walking in the palace Dan Ding crane demon also almost all will not make any sound, as if they did not see them, all walks of life.

Tang San led the beautiful son to climb upward, until he came to the highest level of the Sword Saint Palace.

The ancient palace door was open. Tang San and the two of them walked in together.

In the “zha zha” sound, the door automatically closed, making the entire hall slightly dim.

The next instant, they have a kind of bright feeling, with an incomparable sharp breath of the figure, suddenly appeared in front of them a short distance, but is not precisely the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor?

Tang San led Mei Gongzi to bow slightly, “Greetings to the coronation.”

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor nodded his head and said, “You are really still alive.”

His gaze instantly locked on Tang San.

In an instant, the incomparably sharp aura directly pressed towards Tang San.

Tang San did not retreat, but rather a step forward, in front of the beauty of the son, a faint golden halo burst out from the body, not the power of the Golden Monk change, but from the sea god.

Under the god’s sitting, he forcibly blocked the other party’s pouring. Did not retreat half a step in front of that sharpness.

The beautiful Duke came behind him, his hands fitting in his undershirt, and injected his bloodline power into Tang San through the Peacock Transformation.

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor opened his mouth and said, “The Ancestral Court has attracted the heavenly tribulation, is it related to you?”

Tang San said frankly “It was the heavenly tribulation that I faced together with the Crystal Great Demon Emperor.”

He had approached the Sword Sage Great Demon Emperor before that time and obtained the Sword Sage Great Demon Emperor’s promise to support the Beautiful Prince. Any emperor was an extremely intelligent being, even if this one in front of him put almost all of his energy into his sword it wouldn’t affect his judgment. So Tang San has long understood that this one should have guessed something. Especially since he appeared in front of him alive again, how could it not arouse his suspicion?

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor said in a deep voice: “Is it really the crystal?”

Tang San did not answer directly, “The Crystal Great Demon Emperor no longer exists.”

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor sighed, and the oppressive force on Tang San’s body disappeared, “Only she can do that, right? This is a struggle for destiny. Even an emperor is no exception. Unfortunately, she didn’t succeed.”

Tang San did not say more and kept silent. But he understood that the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor should have believed his own words. After all, even if he told him that the heavenly tribulation was entirely triggered by himself, he probably wouldn’t believe him.

From the beginning to the end, Tang San did not tell a lie, the heavenly tribulation is indeed also related to the Crystal Great Demon Emperor ah! Crystal itself is a part of his body now, and, the Crystal Great Demon Emperor is indeed also supported, that is his important bottom card.

He simply guided the thinking of the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor.

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor said: “Then you have come this time, to fulfill your promise?”

Tang San nodded and said, “Exactly, a promise is a thousand gold. I would like to combine the strength of the two of us to perform a judgment sword intent for you. Please give me your guidance.”

The Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage nodded slightly, and a few moments of satisfaction passed through his eyes.

For Duke Mei, he had been somewhat impressed at the time of the debriefing. This young girl, who was not very old, had actually defeated the Phoenix Demon Clan’s Great Demon King with the strength of the Demon King level, and later became a Great Demon King in one fell swoop, definitely blessed with a unique talent. And now Tang San, obviously has also broken through to the tenth order.

He had once discussed the sword with Tang San, so he understood even more that Tang San could not face it in the state of an ordinary person.

“Come on then.” The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor nodded to Tang San.

Tang San frowned slightly, “Here?”

The Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage understood his meaning from his eyes, thought about it, and said, “It can be here.” As he said that, his right hand lifted up, and in an instant, his entire aura instantly rose, like a lofty mountain towering up.

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor still looked like the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor, but the feeling brought to Tang San and the beautiful gongzi was that there was an additional mountain peak, a sword mountain, in front of them.

Everything around them seemed to have ceased to exist, they were as if standing in the middle of the wilderness, and in front of them, the only thing that existed was this lofty sword mountain.

“Good, then please teach the coronet.”

While saying that, Tang San slowly closed his eyes, and behind him, the beautiful gongzi also closed his eyes similarly.

In the next instant, the two people’s auras seemed to melt into one in an instant.

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor looked at them with a burning gaze, and in his perception, the beautiful son and Tang San were also changing at this time.

Tang San stood there, straight as a sword, his breath did not seem to change, but there was an additional focus. Endless majesty burst out, the vast energy is converging on him from all directions.

And this energy is unheard of by the Great Demon Emperor of the Sword Sage. Vast and vast, the most virile and virile.

Along with the gathering of this energy, the majesty emitted from Tang San’s body also became stronger and stronger, the whole person was like connected to heaven and earth, and even in a moment, the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor even felt that he was more upright and taller than his own sword mountain.

At this time, Tang San, as if connected to the heavens and the earth, the whole body is filled with an extremely special aura, the Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor has never seen the aura. This breath in the diffusion, in the convergence, in the concentration, but also in the sublimation.

Tang San but tenth-order cultivation, but under this breath infusion, is constantly pulling up, in a trance, seems to have crossed the line of strength, and is still rising.

This is…

Why did this happen? What is wrong with him? What kind of change had occurred?

The Sword Saint Great Demon Emperor’s eyes burst with light, precisely because he hadn’t seen such an aura, such an energy, it made his interest burst even more. In this world, the things that can interest him are very few and far between, but at this moment Tang San, is really just tickled his interest.

上一章:第796章 需要母亲的原谅 下一章:第798章 审判之剑,天地正气
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